Get an Estimate
We are committed to price transparency at the Porter Medical Center, and our Patient Financial Advocates are ready to assist you by creating a personalized estimate. We also have an online estimate tool for hundreds of our most commonly provided services.
For personalized estimates, please call us at 802-388-8808 (select option 5) or email Please be prepared with the following information:
- Your name
- Date of birth
- Insurance identification numbers
- The CPT code, also called the procedure code
Click here to create your own good-faith estimate.
You’ll need the CPT (procedure code) information to create your estimate. If you don’t know what the code is, please contact your physician’s office.
About Estimates
A good-faith estimate is based on the historical average of charges provided to patients receiving similar care and treatment. The actual cost may be higher or lower depending on many factors, including unforeseen complications and additional services required by your diagnosis or length of stay. It is also impacted by your insurance benefit plan, limitations and/or non-coverage of certain services. Ultimately, we bill for the actual cost of medical care, which may include other fees and costs in addition to those stated in the original estimated amount.
We encourage you to contact your insurance company to review details of your coverage. This may help you better understand which charges will be your responsibility to pay.
What would change this estimate?
Because of the personalized nature of health care, patient differences and the potential for unforeseen complications, we cannot provide an estimate guarantee. Please remember this is only an estimate. Factors that may alter your estimated out of pocket costs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Changes to the service provided
- Receiving additional services not included in your estimate (i.e. additional labs, imaging, etc.)
- Receiving care at a different location
- Receiving health care services at Porter Medical Center or another health care facility between the date this estimate was created and your date of service (i.e. your remaining deductible may change)
If you need any help or have questions about your estimate, please contact our Patient Financial Advocate team at or call 802-388-8808 (select option 5).
Is your out of pocket cost really $0?
We recommend double checking with your insurance provider to confirm this result. The $0 estimate may be due to having incomplete benefit information or due to your insurance company fully covering this service.
How can you pay this estimated cost?
We request that you make your estimated out of pocket payment prior to or at the time of service. This payment can be made by:
- Calling our Patient Financial Advocate team at 802-388-8808 (select option 5)
- Through MyChart e-Checkin if eligible
- At arrival to your appointment/procedure
Questions about Financial Assistance?
There are many options available if you cannot pay for medical services.
- Financial Assistance Program: We are committed to working with you to determine if you are eligible for discounted and free care through our Financial Assistance Program.
- Health Assistance Program: You may also qualify for our Health Assistance Program, which covers the cost of medications, dental care, glasses and other medical equipment for low- and middle-income patients.