Expectant parents are supported by our 24-hour team of our board-certified obstetricians/gynecologists and our certified nurse midwives, who are advanced practice nurses specializing in obstetrics and gynecology at Obstetrics, Midwifery and Gynecology located in Middlebury, Vermont.
Options for your labor and birth

- Hydrotherapy
- Birthing ball
- VBACs (vaginal birth after cesareans)
- Birthing stool
- Prenatal birthing classes
- Pain Medications Including Epidurals
- Infant car seat
- Kitchen for snacks
- Lactation services
- 24-hour rooming in
- New parents support group
- Sleeping accommodations for one support person
- Non-certification infant CPR classes
- Now offering Waterbirth! Learn more at Waterbirth International
Our Midwives and Obstetricians
Our physicians and nurse-midwives offer a gentle and safe approach to care, and will support you in making informed decisions throughout your pregnancy and post-partum period. Our care is centered upon the belief that pregnancy and childbirth are a normal physiological process and we believe that establishing a relationship built on trust is essential. We customize our care to provide you optimal maternity care even in the presence of risk-factors or complications.
PMC Obstetrics, Midwifery and Gynecology is located in Middlebury, Vermont. Patients give birth at Porter Hospital’s Birthing Center which utilizes the LDRP model of care. This means that patients and their families stay in the same home like room they give birth in for their whole stay. Their aim is to provide skilled continuous labor support for patients seeking to avoid pain medication and those desiring epidural or other types of pain relief. They also collaborate with doulas, acupuncuturists, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, physical therapists, and family practice providers..
PMC Obstetrics, Midwifery and Gynecology is a is a team of experienced, board certified physicians and nurse-midwives providing pregnancy and post-partum care. They are a comprehensive health practice, providing compassionate care for patients in all of their phases of life.
- Comprehensive prenatal care
- Early pregnancy assessment
- Medical complications of pregnancy
- Obstetrical Ultrasound
- Pregnancy Testing
- Labor support and Delivery at the family-centered Birthing Center
- Post-partum care including lactation support, post-partum depression and family planning
More info on Pregnancy Care & Resources
Understanding Birth, Understanding Breastfeeding, and Comfort Measures Classes:
Download: Schedule and Registration Form; or click here for an Online Form
To sign up by mail send above PDF form to:
Porter Birthing Center
115 Porter Drive, Middlebury, Vermont 05753
To sign up by e-mail send to:
CBE@portermedical.org (email any additional questions)
Continuity of care
And after the birth, the many Porter Physician Practices offer exceptional pediatric and family care providers throughout Addison County. See our Complete list of Porter Practices.
Get started on your birth experience by calling us today at (802) 388-6326.