In order to continue to provide quality care to our patients while maintaining a safe workspace for our staff, we have made temporary changes to our Porter Hospital visitor policy.
We are temporarily not allowing visitors who meet the following criteria:
- Have flu-like symptoms: runny nose, fever, cough, or respiratory congestion.
- Have traveled to high-risk areas in the past 14 days.
- Have had close contact with an individual who is currently being tested, in quarantine or was diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Are under the age of 16.
Patients may only receive visits from the same two people throughout their stay. Emergency Department & Urgent Care patients are only allowed one visitor.
New Helen Porter Welcoming Policy (Based on Network Policy)
We are restricting visitors to Helen Porter until further notice:
Limited visitation MAY be granted under certain circumstances, such as acute end-of-life situations, or when a visitor is essential for the resident’s emotional well-being and care. NOTE: These cases will require consultation with our in-house providers, Dr. Fromhold or Margaret Young, APRN, in conjunction with our facility Administrator, Mary Jane Nottonson, taking into consideration current clinical and safety reasons for our residents and staff.
(This Visitor restriction is based upon recommendations from both the Center for Disease Control and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as well as the University of Vermont Health Network and Porter Medical Center).