Working in collaboration with Addison County Home Health and Hospice and Palliative Support Services, Helen Porter offers hospice services, as well as short-term respite stays to support caregivers who need a safe and secure health care environment for their elderly or disabled loved ones. The program offers short term respite services for families who are caring for a loved one at home but who need to be away from home for a few days or longer.
“The goal of this respite program is to offer area families a high-quality, safe and secure environment for an elderly parent, grandparent or anyone who requires supervision and care while the family attends to other responsibilities or perhaps takes a vacation,” said HPHRC administrator Neil Gruber. “Our short-term respite service offers 24-hour supervision, nursing and medical care, assistance with the entire range of daily activities and nutritious meals all in a safe, respectful and caring environment.”
According to Gruber, respite services are often covered by the Vermont Medicaid Program and some private long-term care insurance policies. Families may also pay privately if third-party funding is not available to them.
Compassionate End-of-Life Care at Helen Porter Rehabilitation & Nursing
(ARCH) Addison Respite Care Home
Details on our home for end-of-life care providing compassion, support and comfort care.